How To Improve Your Sleep During Hospital Stay?

How To Improve Your Sleep During Hospital Stay?

How To Improve Your Sleep During Hospital Stay?

A good rest is the right of the patients when they are in the hospital. It seems very logical that when you are sick or injured that sleep is very important—and it is. But It is just very hard to get good sleep during a hospital stay

Sometimes I have to wear different hats,like taking care of patients, communicating with doctors, administering medicine and checking vital signs these all are performed daily for the betterment of my parents health but unfortunately it interrupt my patients Seep that things always disappoint me somehow, that's why I have been doing some research how could be improved seep by patients itself.

So , If you’re still staying at hospital, your sleep may be negatively affected at a time when your body needs its a restorative benefits. Sleep is very essential to overall health and its healing. Many Studies have given data that poor sleep can impact your recovery.

There are several reasons you may find it difficult to sleep well in the hospital, but there are many ways to improve your Sleep that I will suggest you.

Early wake Up Call By the Nurses

There are several contributing factors that make it difficult to have a quality sleep while staying in a hospital.

Hospital routines play an important role to disturb the patient's sleep. The timing of certain medications, blood draws, and blood pressure testing, sugar monitoring can definitely interrupt your sleep. And Noise from beeping monitors, infusion pumps, ventilators, cleaning staff, and even other patients can make it difficult to sleep.These may be undeniable causes of night time awakenings at Hospital.

Few other factors that may negatively impact on quality and quantity of night time sleep can include pain, side effects from medications, and daytime sleep, interruption due to attending visitors at night.

How to Improve Sleep during Hospitalization

Many of the factors are out of your control in the hospital. But there are ways that will improve your sleep during your Hospitalization, such as:

1.Bring items from your home - bring your own pillows, blankets and pajamas, that may make you feel more comfortable during hospital stay .

2. Stay awake daytime and Sleep only at Night - Avoid taking naps daytime so that you can be ready to sleep at night when the time comes. If you are exhausted, you can take a short nap, but too much sleep during the daytime can disturb your Bedtime sleep.

3. Limit your attending visitors during your bed time - If you have trouble dozing off when you are with your family and friends, make sure you that you don’t have many visitors when you are trying to sleep. Some people feel comfortable by the presence of friends and family while others find it difficult to sleep with attendants

4. Avoid Coffee and Tea before bedtime - You should not drink coffee before going to bed, so make sure you avoid coffee 4 to 6 hours before bedtime at the hospital.

5. Ask for Private Room - Many hospitals provide private rooms, but some still have rooms where patients have to share with a other patent that will let you allow to stay according to your wish like at home.

6. Ask Pain Medications or sleep pills - If pain is keeping you awake, ask for a dose of pain medication or sleep pills that can be given at bedtime sometimes.

7. discuess with Your health Care Provider : -You Should discuess with your Health Care provider about minimizing nonessential nighttime tasks and if it is possible to adjust medication administration times to limit nighttime disturbance.

Hospitals provid an eye mask, earplugs, and non-caffeinated coffee or Tea to patients. Health care providers were instructed to ask if patients wants window shades closed or lights turned off. And some Relaxing music was played at bedtime to feel a sleepy the patients. 

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